Mila Barashkova
Transformational business coach ICE

Result focused entrepreneur

Degree in marketing & advertising

Mila Barashkova has a business & marketing background, graduated from Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow. Since 2010 she is working in marketing and advertising field with companies and entrepreneurs. She received coaching education in International Сentre of Evolution and Education (ICE) and is certified as a subconscious transformation coach.

Mila is running her own business since 2019. She experienced and worked over all main fears and blocks in running business:

- Fear of promoting personal brand
- Block of raising prices
- Fear of loosing customers
- States of being unmotivated and no support

Mila applied to herself all coaching techniques she is using with clients. She multiplied her revenue 3 times and gained list of loyal customers. Mila moved from Moscow to Istanbul. She also considers her personal transformation as a huge result: working now by her own healthy schedule near the sea.

Mila works online and offline. Her clients are situated in Russia, Turkey, Georgia, Germany and France.

The main principle of her work is to give people affordable opportunity to:

  • 1
    earn money with their talent
  • 2
    break subconscious fears
  • 3
    release inner energy source
  • 4
    reach goals and live the dream
Coaching is aimed at revealing client's inner potential. It has nothing to do with advise or pressure. Sessions are held in a warm and healthy environment.

Coach is asking client questions and giving exercises. In that way clients are able to find answers to their questions themselves, create the set of effective steps to reach the goal.

Which techniques Mila is using:
Business coaching
Results oriented approach and techniques

Neuro-linguistic programming
Exercises which are opening clients' vision of opportunities

Energy laws and metaphysics knowledge
Helping clients to receive fruitful energy and stop giving efforts to toxic and ineffective channels

This mix is the secret of Mila's clients' results.
Book your session
2 500 rubles
≈30 €